Episode 135 A Fond Farewell

Secular Yakking with Robert and Amy
Secular Yakking with Robert and Amy
Episode 135 A Fond Farewell
Secular Yakking with Robert and Amy
Secular Yakking with Robert and Amy
Episode 135 A Fond Farewell

In this, our final episode, we talk about our favorite moments Robert drinks 3 glasses of wine just to get through the show.

For almost three years, I sat at some sort of desk and turned on a mixer hoping that maybe our voices could make a dent in the noise.  Hoping that maybe our show might make a difference to somebody.  Make someone laugh, make someone angry. Make someone want to stand up and do something.

For almost 3 years we have educated you, we have encouraged you and hopefully we have entertained you.

I spent the last 3 weeks wondering how we would in the show.  Should we do a best of?  Should we invite former hosts on?  Should we just come on and say goodbye?  In the end I felt this was the only way to end the show.  Yakking about the show.

I wanted to end the show with some shoutouts and thank yous.
First I to thank Wes and Dustin at atheist Nomads.  First interview ever

Sam and the Ask an Atheist crew for bringing in a new voice and allowing me to learn some stuff about podcasting.
Especially Sam for telling me I had skills and would probably make a good podcaster.
Tom of Secular Radio, for showing me that literally anyone can have a podcast. And for being our first guest on the first show.
The the folks over at the now defunct Secular Outreach Network for taking an chance on a show that nobody listened to.
To  Matt and tim of Atheism 101 for having us on their show. It was the first time we were interviewed together.
To the entire Waiting for Wrath crew for being there for that much needed support and friendship.

The Matthew the Apostle at In the name of god, the Podcast for giving us such great shoutouts, even when our show sucked.
To Paul Satting for making me realize that sometimes you have make hard decisions and keep your principles in mind.
To Jeff Stillwell for being willing to let us broadcast his Walk for Humanity.
To Tom Essel for stepping up when Amy needed a break and for still being a great friend.
To Melange Hunter and Alan for all the story suggestions.
To Jonathan Ariola for the awesome voicemails.

To our fans for sticking with us even though I kept moving the show feed.

And most of all to Amy for being there to keep me from falling flat on my face and for staying there even when you were frustrated with it. Without you there would be no Yakking

Writing this farewell is likely the hardest thing I have ever written  For three years this show was a part of us.  It was a part of my identity in the secular movement   I will miss and remember this amazing experience that we have had.  I will miss sitting at a desk, turning on the mixer and yakking to you.  I will miss the feedback from the fans.  I will miss the community we have built together.
So I know that this is a short show and honestly I didn’t even know if I could do a last show this morning but here it is and that really  is  all the Yakking I’ve got for you.

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