Episode 16 Ch-ch-ch-ch-Changes

Secular Yakking with Robert and Amy
Secular Yakking with Robert and Amy
Episode 16 Ch-ch-ch-ch-Changes
Secular Yakking with Robert and Amy
Secular Yakking with Robert and Amy
Episode 16 Ch-ch-ch-ch-Changes

How you can help firefighting and disaster relief efforts in Washington State http://www.tricityfreethinkers.org/2015/08/how-you-can-help-firefighting-and-disaster-relief-efforts-in-washington-state/ Some you may have noticed that most of Eastern Washington is on fire. We may joke a lot about that area, but this is serious situation. The Tri-city freethinkers are asking that any physically fit person with some experience in disasters contact them. If you are able and willing to go help, send an email to jennifer@tricityfreethinkers.org to be put in touch with this volunteer. You can donate $10 by texting “redcross” to 90999. For more information on how to donate to or volunteer with Red Cross, visit http://www.redcross.org/support. California: Land Purchase Saves Veterans’ Memorial Cross in San Diego http://www.atheistrepublic.com/news/california-land-purchase-saves-veterans-memorial-cross-san-diego A 27-foot-tall cross, positioned on top of Mount Soledad in San Diego’s La Jolla neighborhood, which served as a veterans’ memorial, is no longer threatened with being removed, after the half acre property on which it is perched, worth $1.4 million, was recently sold to a private group called Mount Soledad Memorial Association. The completion of the sale makes the group, which has maintained the property since 1954, its sole decision-maker for the first time in its history. WARNER BROS. HEADS TO THE COSMOS WITH CARL SAGAN BIOPIC http://www.tracking-board.com/tb-exclusive-warner-bros-heads-to-the-cosmos-with-carl-sagan-biopic/ Warner Bros. is developing a biopic about astronomer Carl Sagan, with his widow, Ann Druyan, among the producers. No plot details have been revealed, though Zach Dean (Deadfall) has been announced as the film’s screenwriter. Sagan was a best-selling and Pulitzer Prize-winning author, and in addition to his scientific work he is also known as co-creator and host of the 1980 public television series Cosmos. That show was revamped into an Emmy-winning updated series in 2014, hosted by Neil deGrasse Tyson. Victoria (Australia) Finally Scraps Religious Indoctrination Classes from State School Curriculums http://www.patheos.com/blogs/friendlyatheist/2015/08/20/victoria-australia-finally-scraps-religious-indoctrination-classes-from-state-school-curriculums/ Australian public schools have been offering “special religious instruction”. The intention was to expose children to different religions. However in most cases it exclusively Christian. IN one case they used a worksheet to find hidden letters that spell out the name Jesus. According to Fairness in Religions In Schools, http://religionsinschool.com/cre-curriculum/vic/, whose mission is to provide an “inclusive school curriculum” in the SRI instruction and to stop evangelizing during class, many programs not only ignored non-christian religions but also actively evanalized to the kids. Victorian schools will scrap special religious instruction from class time, with changes to the state’s curriculum throwing the future of the controversial program in doubt. The Andrews government has ordered that the weekly 30 minute program move to lunchtime and before and after school in 2016 to make way for new content on world histories, cultures, faiths and ethics. “Extracurricular programs should not interfere with class time when teachers and students should be focused on the core curriculum,” the government said in a statement. Federal prisons agree to recognize humanism as religion http://www.heraldnet.com/article/20150727/NEWS03/150729102/1035/Federal-prisons-agree-to-recognize-humanism-as-religion Federal prisoners who identify as humanist can now celebrate Darwin Day and get accommodations typically afforded to those inmates who believe in a deity.The federal Bureau of Prisons agreed in the settlement of a lawsuit to add a section on humanism to its manual on inmate beliefs and practices. Officials in the prison system will also consider requests from humanist inmates for access to study materials, observance of holy days, and time and space for religious activities. It is unknown how many inmates identify as humanist. But giving them the ability to choose that preference, and to have it entered in the federal prison database, will allow the number to be calculated. Peace City USA This week in keeping with the idea of changes, we have part of our interview with Jeff Stilwell, who you may remember for a previous episode, was doing a lightning march for humanity from Steven’s Pass WA to Old Faithful in Wyoming. A 750 mile journey. Good news, he completed the march and along the way came up a great idea called peace cities. We head right into that part of the interview. http://peacecitiesusa.org/ We will have the interview in its entirety ready for release on Wednesday.

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