Robert And Amy Talk about the misconceptions about being atheists and why they are Secular Activists Celebrate Independence Day and the arrival of summer with the annual Freethinkers potluck picnic hosted by Humanists of Washington All Puget Sound area freethinkers are invited to this family-friendly picnic at Revenna Park in Seattle. Food served 1:00 – 3:00 pm Cleanup starts at 5:00 pm Bring your family, some Frisbees, a blanket, sunscreen, and a picnic-friendly dish to share. More details can be found at the Humanists of Washington Website Saudi Arabia’s Supreme Court has upheld the sentence of 1,000 lashes and 10 years of imprisonment on blogger Raif Badawi, despite a foreign outcry Myths and Stereotypes about Atheism. Of course the Mr. Potter award, your calls and feedback.